Information is incredibly valuable in an emergency. How can we know what has happened and who needs help, and what needs fixing if we don't gather information?
We need to make sure no one is left behind, and that everyone in the community is checked on after an emergency – whether it’s for rescue and medical assistance, or just basic support and information.
Help if you can, but do not put yourself in unnecessary danger to save someone else. You don’t want to become a casualty. Contact the emergency services by calling 111 in all life-threatening situations.
Sometimes all you can do is keep other people from being harmed. Let people know there is a hazard, and keep other people away from the hazard if you are able. This may include helping people evacuate an area.
Information about life-threatening situations should be reported to the Emergency Operations Centre to help them prioritise their response where it is needed most.
Medical help will save lives! We need to make sure that everyone who needs medical assistance can get help. This may be urgent first aid, or it may be help with the ongoing medical issues that people had before the emergency.
Check on your neighbours and people you know to have health issues or disabilities.
If you are a medical professional and you cannot get to your usual place of work, please go to your nearest medical centre and provide what help you can. If that facility is not open, please go to your nearest Community Emergency Hub.
If you are a first aider, provide what help you can to your neighbours and your community. If you are able to help more, please offer your assistance at your nearest Community Emergency Hub. If the medical centre needs extra assistance, this is where they will go to ask for more help.
In all life-threatening situations, contact the emergency services by calling 111. Injured and sick people should go to the nearest open medical centre first, not the hospital.
Shelter is an important part of survival, so we need to make sure everyone in our community has somewhere safe and comfortable to stay.
Hawke’s Bay’s weather can change very quickly as was experienced during the 2020 Napier Foods and more recently Cyclone Gabrielle. You might remember the flooding that occurred in the bad weather the day after the Kaikoura Earthquake in 2016.
Find places where people can shelter from the weather if they can’t stay at home, preferably comfortable places where people can rest and sleep.
Many people will be able to stay in their own homes, and this is ideal as people are much more comfortable in a home environment.
Are there simple repairs that could be done to make a home safe enough for people to stay there? Where could you find tools and supplies to make repairs? Could you help your neighbour make repairs?
Encourage people to stay with friends or family if possible, and if you can make your spare beds and guest room available, please offer. It could be as simple as offering:
If people need to leave their homes, encourage them to take as much bedding as possible. Where else could you find bedding or some spare clothes in your community?
You may have visitors to your community who don’t live locally – commuters, shoppers, employees etc. These are the people most likely to need accommodation in your community.
Don’t wait for the perfect solution, shelter from the weather is a priority over comfort. Bad weather means the need for shelter is much more urgent than on a warm sunny day.
Tell the Emergency Operations Centre (through the Communication desk) the number of people who need accommodation.
Does your community have parks or other open spaces for tents, or buildings that would be suitable for temporary shelter if people can’t stay at homes or with friends?
People need access to clean water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene purposes.
Hopefully everyone is storing emergency water at home, but you may need to look after the people who aren't from your community, or those who didn't have enough.
There are water reservoirs are all around the region for those areas on reticulated town water supply, but many of these automatically seal if pipelines are damaged. Technicians must manually reopen valves, and they may take up to a week to get there, so look for other sources of water within the community right away.
Arrange a place in the community where water can be distributed if needed. Some of these places have already been identified.
Some schools and community centres have large water tanks installed. If there is one in your community check to see what their plan is for using the water.
Collect rainwater. It doesn't go too many days without raining in our region!
Treat any non-bottled water. Boil it if you can, if you can't, use bleach.
After a week, water may be available from water distribution points. Officials may need your help with setting up those locations and transporting water people who need it. Have you got a van or ute, or a trailer? Are you good at connecting hoses?
There will be people in you community who aren't able to walk to their nearest water distribution point and carry 20L of water back home again. How could your community get water to those people?
We need to make sure that people in our community have enough food to sustain them after an emergency.
Hopefully people will have some good supplies at home, but there may be people who aren't from your community who still need food, or people who can't build a up supply of food at home due to their circumstances.
Pool community resources to feed everyone – Street barbecues, a hangi or pot luck meal are a great way to share.
Some people aren't going to be able to get to a place where you are communally cooking, so think of ways you could deliver food to those in need.
Takeaway containers are a great way to transport meals, think about where you could find more of them.
When water stops coming out of the tap, the sewage system won't work, but people will still need an appropriate place to go to the toilet.
Organise long drops throughout the community and in locations close to groups who might not have the ability to organise one themselves:
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Emergency Management to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Hawke's Bay Emergency Management cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
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© Hawke's Bay Emergency Management - hbemergency.govt.nz / +64 6 835 9200 / enquiries@hbemergency.govt.nz