Find out about sirens and stingers, and our suite of alerting tools including Emergency Mobile Alerts, the Red Cross Hazard App and radio stations.
Napier has public alerting sirens and we have a suite of transportable stingers that can be used to alert the public and transmit messages via a megaphone. The public alert siren in Napier is five minutes long (10 seconds on, 20 seconds off – 10 times). We flick test these occasionally.
We will never use sirens and stingers to warn for a local-source tsunami in Hawke’s Bay. The only warning for a local-source tsunami is a large earthquake. If an earthquake is longer than one minute, or could knock you off your feet, immediately evacuate away from the coast. Remember: If an earthquake is LONG or STRONG, get gone.
The National Emergency Management Agency, GNS Science and New Zealand’s Tsunami Working Group all agree with international best practice – that tsunami sirens are inappropriate as a warning system in regions such as Hawke’s Bay that are subject to local-source tsunamis.
This is for several reasons:
Don’t rely on others to tell you want to do. The best and most reliable warning system for local-source tsunami along the east coast is the natural warning itself – the ground shaking for longer than a minute, or so strongly that it’s hard to stand up. It doesn’t require power, or a smartphone; it just needs you to react to mother nature’s blunt and obvious warning and immediately evacuate.
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© Hawke's Bay Emergency Management - hbemergency.govt.nz / +64 6 835 9200 / enquiries@hbemergency.govt.nz