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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group uses extraordinary powers

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The Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group now has extraordinary powers to coordinate the delivery of a swift and effective response across the region following the New Zealand Government’s declaration of a national state of emergency.

The government has moved to the next phase of alert level four in response to confirmed cases of community transmission of the Covid-19 virus and the country is now in lockdown.

Group Controller Ian Macdonald said the national state of emergency declaration is a critical part of the country’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and allowed the group to rapidly respond to the needs of the Hawke’s Bay community.

“We are coordinating our response in close partnership with the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Police, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, ambulance, local councils, partner agencies, utility operators, and welfare organisations, to identify people who need urgent support and provisions.

“We are here to provide a safety net for those people in vulnerable situations and whose welfare is severely affected by the national lockdown, closure of non-essential businesses, schools, and workplaces.

“We are advanced in our planning and implementation of coordinating a rapid response plan and providing welfare support for people who are struggling to access essential services, such as people living in remote communities.

“We are working hard to deliver an effective response, but we do ask people to be patient, as we respond in what is unprecedented circumstances. We are committed and focused on delivering the best outcomes for our most vulnerable.”

Go to for everything you need to know about Covid-19 in one place, or if you’re not sure who to contact for help, call the free government helpline on 0800 779 997.

For help with self-isolation:

For support with grief, anxiety or mental wellbeing you can call or text 1737, free, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk with a trained counsellor.

For financial support:

26 March 2020

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