With a week to go until New Zealand’s national ShakeOut earthquake drill, every business and family in Hawke’s Bay is being urged to sign up now.
ShakeOut is held across the world to remind people of the right action to take during an earthquake, Drop, Cover and Hold - and to practise a tsunami hīkoi (evacuation) if in a coastal area.
So far close to just over 24,000 people in Hawke’s Bay are registered to do the ‘drop, cover and hold’ drill for ShakeOut next Thursday at 9.30am.
Young people through their schools or educational organisation are leading the way with around:
• 2,400 preschool students registered
• 16,900 school students registered
• 2,600 tertiary students registered
More than 600 businesses have also signed up to take part next Thursday.
Through the region Napier City has more than 11,000 already registered, followed by Hastings District with more than 9,500. Central Hawke’s Bay is doing well with close to 2,500 registered to take part in the drill, and more than 400 registered in Wairoa.
Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Manager Ian Macdonald says ShakeOut is the perfect opportunity for families, schools, businesses and individuals to practise what they need to do in an earthquake.
“If you haven’t signed up yet do it today, then think about and plan what you will do before, during and after the drill takes place.”
Registration and getting information about what to do is easy. Just go to www.shakeout.govt.nz
“If you are in a tsunami evacuation zone, practice your Tsunami Hīkoi."
11 October 2018
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