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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group still here to help at Alert Level 3


Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is reminding people help is still available to those struggling to get food, groceries, medication or other household goods and services as a result of being at COVID-19 Alert Level 3.
Group Controller Ian Macdonald said even at Alert Level 3, the most important thing we can all do is stay home – and this was especially true for those most at-risk due to age or existing health conditions.  
“We’re now at Alert Level 3 and while we are all looking forward to having a bit more freedom, we still need to reduce our contact with others outside our expanded bubbles,” Mr Macdonald said.
“Some of us are at more risk than others. Just because we can go out more, doesn’t mean we should. We don’t want anyone who is at-risk to take any chances with COVID-19,” he said.
Mr Macdonald said the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group welfare line was still available for people with no other support networks to get urgent help.

“If you are at-risk because you’re over 70 or have an underlying health condition, or if you’re not able to leave your home for any reason, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is still here to help.

“Wherever possible, use your existing support networks – ask your friends or family to drop off groceries, prescriptions and other essential supplies, or use online shopping and pharmacy delivery services.

“If you don’t have anyone who can help, call 0800 HBAYCD (0800 422 923) and someone will be on the end of the phone to get you the help or advice you need.”

For more information on COVID-19, visit

28 April 2020

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