Tihei mauri ora. You’ll no doubt be aware the New Zealand Government has taken unprecedented steps to protect our country from the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ll also be aware we’ve had our first confirmed case here in Hawke’s Bay. We, as the region’s mayors, and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Hawke’s Bay District Health Board chairs, are doing everything we can to unite against COVID-19.
It goes without saying we are living in a time of daily uncertainty that most of us have never experienced. Our top priority as your region’s political leaders is the health, safety and welfare of everyone in our community.
We understand many of you may be feeling isolated after losing your usual contact with other people. We’re also very mindful that those everyday ways we all connect – through events, sports, clubs and hobbies – are no longer an option for many.
But we’re confident that we, as a community, can all come together to unite against COVID-19 – to check on our most vulnerable people, and to make sure we all take care of each other as we face this uncertainty together.
We can all play our part in supporting each other. Check in on your family and friends. Offer to do a grocery run. Help them set up online shopping if they haven’t already. Give them a call or chat to them online.
And for those who need help, don’t be afraid to ask.
We’re all pretty good at taking care of each other – but asking for help is something many of us don’t find easy. Now’s the time to lean on each other and to ask for that support.
Thank you for all you are doing. Thank you for following the guidelines, for showing empathy in anxious settings, and for extending kindness to each other.
It’s those acts of kindness – the phone calls, the grocery runs, the reaching out despite our physical limitations – that will ultimately get us through this. We’ve got a great community here in Hawke’s Bay – let’s keep that spirit alive.
We encourage you to follow all official health advice and stay updated on the ever-changing situation by visiting the ‘Unite against COVID-19’ website.
9 June 2020
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© Hawke's Bay Emergency Management - hbemergency.govt.nz / +64 6 835 9200 / enquiries@hbemergency.govt.nz