Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu is calling for volunteers tomorrow to help with the community clean-up effort.
The mandated Iwi authority for Ahuriri Napier has been the driving force behind the enormous community response to Monday night’s floods.
Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu Chair Hori Reti said anyone who could pitch in to help on Saturday, 14 November should meet at Marewa’s Whitmore Park at 9am.
“This flood has left many of our whānau in very difficult circumstances and we want to do everything we can to help,” he said.
“If anyone can roll up their sleeves and help us on Saturday, we’d love to see them there – we’ll provide personal protective equipment and kai.
“And if anyone has flood-damaged goods that they can’t take to the transfer station themselves, they can leave them on their kerbside by 10am tomorrow for collection.”
Mr Reti urged people to check with their insurance company and landlord before disposing of anything, and to take photos of damaged goods.
He said the community clean-up was jointly organised by Te Taiwhenua, Napier City Council, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group and the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board.
“Standing up this response has been a huge community effort and we couldn’t have done it without our whānau and the support of our partner agencies – not to mention the more than 150 volunteers who have been out there giving everyone a hand.
“We’ve seen whānaungatanga in action helping our communities.”
Te Taiwhenua has today supported clean-ups at several houses, schools and kohanga reo.
The organisation is also working alongside other government agencies and Māori wardens to provide a food delivery service.
Where to go for support
Tihei Mauri Ora
Tihei Mauri Ora is a non-emergency telephone triage line that can link you with the information and support you or your whānau needs. This service is completely free. Call 0800 211 024 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (excluding public holidays)
Are you or someone you know feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737 anytime, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk (or text with) a trained counsellor or a peer support worker. This service is completely free.
Emergency Mental Health Number
If you have urgent mental health needs you should call the Emergency Mental Health Number on 0800 112 334, or for other emergencies call Fire/Police/ Ambulance on 111.
Accommodation support due to flooding
Call Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group on 0800 422 923.
Financial support
Call Work and Income on 0800 779 997 for help with emergency costs. They’re open weekdays 8:30am to 6pm, and from 9am to 4pm on Saturday 14 November.
13 November 2020
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