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Napier’s state of emergency lifted

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise has lifted Napier’s state of emergency as of 6pm this evening.
“All immediate risks have been assessed and we’re now transitioning into the recovery phase,” Ms Wise said.
“I want to assure the community that although the state of emergency is no longer is place, we’re still well and truly here to support everyone in Napier to recover from this event.”
Ms Wise thanked everyone who has helped those affected by the floods.
“Our community has really pulled together to help each other and I thank the countless individuals, organisations and community groups involved in the recovery effort.
“Everyone has shown outstanding community spirit and I’m very proud to be Napier’s mayor.”
Where to go for support 
Tihei Mauri Ora  
Tihei Mauri Ora is a non-emergency telephone triage line that can link you with the information and support you or your whānau needs. This service is completely free. Call 0800 211 024 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (excluding public holidays) 
Are you or someone you know feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737 anytime, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk (or text with) a trained counsellor or a peer support worker. This service is completely free. 
Emergency Mental Health Number 
If you have urgent mental health needs you should call the Emergency Mental Health Number on 0800 112 334, or for other emergencies call Fire/Police/Ambulance on 111. 
Accommodation support due to flooding 
Call Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group on 0800 422 923. 
Financial support  
Call Work and Income on 0800 779 997 for help with emergency costs. They’re open weekdays 8:30am to 6pm, and from 9am to 4pm on Saturday 14 November. 

13 November 2020

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