28 January 2021
Hawke's Bay community reminded of importance of COVID tracer app
Hawke’s Bay’s leaders say the recent COVID-19 community cases in Auckland and Northland are a timely reminder of the importance of using the track and trace app.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board chief executive, Keriana Brooking, says it’s vital the local community take the recommended simple actions to keep Hawke’s Bay and New Zealand safe.
“Stay home if you’re unwell and get advice on whether you need a test from your GP or Healthline. If you are told to get a test, do so immediately and isolate yourself until you receive your result.”
Mrs Brooking says rapid and efficient contact tracing is one of the most important tools to find COVID-19 and stamp it out.
“Please turn on Bluetooth in the NZ COVID Tracer app and scan QR codes wherever you go. You will receive instant notifications about possible exposure to COVID-19,” she says. “Also you should wash and dry your hands often, and cough and sneeze into elbows.”
The Regional Leadership forum met yesterday to discuss the fresh outbreak in Northland and Auckland, and discussed regional plans to deal with any resurgence here in Hawke’s Bay.
Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group chair, Rex Graham, says we need to be proactive and organised to ensure that Hawke’s Bay is ready to respond effectively should further cases occur here.
“The Regional Leadership forum representing the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, councils, emergency services, iwi and government departments has been supporting and guiding COVID-19 resurgence planning, to make sure we are fully prepared if there was to be a community outbreak here,” says Mr Graham.
The community should beware of rumours and misinformation on social media and other sources, only sharing information from official sources:
• The Unite Against COVID-19 website covid19.govt.nz and the Ministry of Health website health.govt.nz provide the most up to date and accurate information available
• Hawke’s Bay DHB’s website ourhealthhb.nz will provide up-to-date relevant to Hawke’s Bay information
• Follow Unite Against COVID-19 on Facebook facebook.com/UniteAgainstCOVID19
1 February 2021
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