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Hawke's Bay Civil Defence News

Keep up to date with news in and out of an emergency.

Cyclone Gabrielle response and assessments continue

This morning, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management along with supporting emergency agencies are taking stock of developments overnight, as they prepare for another day of urgent community response to Cyclone Gabrielle.

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Due to rising flood waters, HB Civil Defence is recommending residents in Te Awa Estate that have not already evacuated to do so now.

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Civil Defence Centres

Nga Whare Tiaki Tangata

Information on the current location of Civil Defence Centres in Hawke's Bay. Please note this is subject to changes based on capacity limits being reached and new locations being established.

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Cyclone Gabrielle Update: 11:50PM

He whakahou a Huripari Gabrielle: 11:50PM

Wairoa is completely isolated following the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle overnight, with a loss of lifelines to Napier and Gisborne, including power, phones, internet and roads. A NEMA rep is on route to Wairoa via helicopter from Napier to support the team and the response effort.

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Cyclone Gabrielle update: 14 Feb, 4pm

He whakahou a Huripari Gabrielle: 14 Feb, 4pm

Hawke’s Bay has reported a fatality in the region following the death of a women in Putorino, after a bank collapsed onto her home. Police visited the property following a missing person’s report and undertook rescue efforts but were unsuccessful. Wairoa is completely isolated following the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle overnight, with a loss of lifelines to Napier and Gisborne, including power, phones, internet and roads.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence warns residents: Get ready for Cyclone Gabrielle

The Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) is monitoring and preparing for potential impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle, and warning communities to get ready for the severe weather it may bring to the region.

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Keeping Napier tsunami ready this Summer

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) have made great progress with their tsunami signage programme in Napier, to ensure that people who live, work in, and visit the city are aware of its tsunami risk and how to stay safe this summer.

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ShakeOut in Hawke’s Bay a huge success

HBCDEM has praised the efforts of individuals, whānau, workplaces and schools around the region for contributing to a successful nationwide ShakeOut earthquake drill, with nearly 700,000 people participating around the country.

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Hawke’s Bay encouraged to take part in ShakeOut and be in to win

With a few weeks to go until ShakeOut, HBCDEM are encouraging individuals, whānau, schools and businesses in the region to sign up now.

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An innovative new approach for local volunteers to help in emergencies

A new partnership between Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) and Volunteering Hawke’s Bay will improve the resilience of the whole community by enabling a streamlined approach for local volunteers to assist during emergencies.

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Multilingual resource launched to help keep communities safe

The Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) says a local initiative to translate an award-winning picture book into five additional languages will help keep our diverse communities safe and resilient.

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New tsunami signs to increase Cape Coast resilience

Two new tsunami information boards and a set of seven new evacuation route signs have gone up around Hawke’s Bay’s Cape Coast to ensure that people who live in and visit the community are aware of the area’s tsunami risk and know what actions to take to stay safe.

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New Blue Lines a first for Hawke’s Bay

The township of Pōrangahau is the first community in the region to receive tsunami 'Blue Lines' - a public education initiative HBCDEM says could save lives.

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Specialist volunteers train up for storm response

Over the weekend HBCDEM’s Rapid Response team of specialist volunteers were put through their paces in a storm response training course.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence warns residents: Get ready for severe weather

The Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HB CDEM) is monitoring and preparing for potential impacts of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Fili, and warning communities to get ready for the severe weather it may bring to the region.

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Councils to coordinate recovery efforts

As Tairāwhiti and Wairoa move into the recovery phase following more than a week of heavy rain, the regions’ local government leaders are assuring their communities that councils will be united in their recovery efforts.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence warns residents to prepare for heavy rain

The Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HB CDEM) is monitoring and preparing for potential impacts of the weather event that may bring heavy rain to the region.

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Get ready for Tsunami Hīkoi week

East Coast LAB and Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) are encouraging whānau, schools and businesses in the region to practise their tsunami evacuation routes as part of Tsunami Hīkoi week, which runs from 7 to 13 March.

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Napier’s new tsunami signs to boost community resilience

Three new tsunami information boards have gone up in key locations along Napier’s beachfront to enhance community understanding of the city’s tsunami risk and empower people to take the right actions if a tsunami heads our way.

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Back to school a good time to prepare for emergencies

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is reminding parents that the start of the school year is a great time to talk to kids about being prepared at school and at home.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence advises region to stay out of the water

Due to the approach of Cyclone Cody and the large volcanic eruption at Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'pai in Tonga, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) is advising everyone in Hawke’s Bay to stay off the beaches and shore areas and away from harbours, rivers and estuaries until Wednesday.

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Be ready for anything this summer

With many of us about to head off for a well-deserved break, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) are reminding everyone in the region to be prepared for anything this summer.

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Testing the region’s COVID preparedness

Testing the preparedness of public service organisations for a major COVID outbreak in the region was the purpose of a multi-agency tabletop exercise held last week.

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Hawke’s Bay encouraged to sign up for ShakeOut

With two weeks to go until New Zealand’s national ShakeOut earthquake drill, everyone in the region is being encouraged to sign up now, and this year Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management (HBCDEM) have partnered with Volunteering Hawke’s Bay to help drive registrations.

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Hawke’s Bay seismic sensor network trial provides useful insights

A one-year seismic sensor network trial to help identify which buildings are safe to occupy after an earthquake has commenced in Hawke’s Bay and is already yielding useful results.

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Napier flood event unavoidable

Two independent reports on the Napier flood in November 2020 found that the intensity and location of the rainfall resulted in unavoidable flooding. The overall response of agencies was good, but the reports also identified areas for improvement.

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A joint message from Hawke’s Bay’s regional leaders

The New Zealand Government has extended its nationwide Alert Level 4 lockdown until 11:59pm on Tuesday, to protect our communities from the COVID-19 pandemic. While we had hoped not to find ourselves in this position again, we assure everyone in Hawke’s Bay: we are here, and you are at the front of our minds.

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‘Ready or not, here they come’

A study of Napier Hill residents found they would be happy to host and support evacuees following an earthquake or tsunami.

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Major local-source tsunami campaign rolls out

It is a matter of when, not if, a tsunami will impact Hawke’s Bay – and, although rare, it could well be as big as the waves that devastated Japan in 2011, says Hawke’s Bay Emergency Management Group Controller Ian Macdonald.

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Civil Defence in Hawke’s Bay reassures public it has resolved website issues

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group has worked with urgency to resolve issues which led to its website crashing during the red zone evacuation on Friday.

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Hawke's Bay community reminded of importance of COVID tracer app

Hawke's Bay community reminded of importance of COVID tracer app.

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Afternoon tea to mark 90th anniversary of 1931 earthquake

The annual afternoon tea for survivors of the 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake will be held on Sunday, 7 February, marking the 90th anniversary of one of New Zealand's most devastating natural disasters.

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Napier City Mayoral Relief Flood Response Fund now open for applications

The Napier City Mayoral Relief Flood Response Fund is open and available to help people affected by recent flooding in the city.

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Advice centre set up for Napier residents

A Civil Defence Centre has been set up to provide information and advice to flood-affected Napier residents.

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Community clean-up day tomorrow

Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu is calling for volunteers tomorrow to help with the community clean-up effort.

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Napier’s state of emergency lifted

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise has lifted Napier’s state of emergency as of 6pm this evening.

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Flood clean-up underway

The clean-up after the Napier floods is underway, with the rain easing yesterday ahead of forecast fine weather over the next few days.

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Napier Floods Update - Wednesday 11 November 2020

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

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Media advisory: Napier flood update Date 10/11/20, 1pm

An update on the flood situation in Napier.

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Media advisory: Napier flood update Date 10/11/20, 7.30pm

An update on the flood situation in Napier.

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Local state of emergency declared in Napier in response to Napier

Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise has declared a local state of emergency in response to the widespread flooding in Napier.

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Bilingual e-book teaches tamariki about tsunami

Tamariki can now immerse themselves in the story of what to do in an earthquake and potential tsunami threat thanks to a new bilingual digital resource launched today at Richmond School in Maraenui.

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Take part in ShakeOut and be in to win

Send in your photos from this year’s national ShakeOut earthquake drill and be in to win a prize for yourself or your organisation.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group ready to step up again if needed

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group ready to step up again if needed

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is ready to step up if COVID-19 again reaches our region.

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Support for non-residents continues in Hawke’s Bay

Support for non-residents continues in Hawke’s Bay

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is coordinating a network of agencies and organisations to make sure non-New Zealand residents in the region are getting the support they need following the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Seeking help as our region begins to move forward

Seeking help as our region begins to move forward

As the region moves towards recovery, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is scaling back its response to COVID-19 – but there is still support in place for those who need it.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group brings lockdown relief

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group brings lockdown relief

“Without your help, I would have been in a bad situation as a single mum – I most likely wouldn't have got through the lockdown.” This was just one of many messages sent to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group team, for the group’s welfare service during the COVID-19 response.

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Tihei Mauri Ora Emergency Response Centre helps thousands over lockdown

Tihei Mauri Ora Emergency Response Centre helps thousands over lockdown

It took just three days for the Tihei Mauri Ora Emergency Response Centre to go from concept to reality. The centre, which was kick-started to provide a welfare response to whānau pounamu (the most vulnerable) when New Zealand went into the COVID-19 lockdown, has since connected with around 11,000 people and delivered close to 3500 food and care parcels to families from Wairoa to the Wairarapa.

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Onekawa’s “astonishing” response to Food Walk

Onekawa’s “astonishing” response to Food Walk

Students at Onekawa School have collected an “astonishing” number of food items from the local community to help families in need following the COVID-19 lockdown. Assistant Principal Tim Race said his class was crunching some job-loss statistics, which gave the children some perspective on how many people would now be facing hardship. This activity in numeracy led to the Onekawa Food Walk.

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Profile: Christine Renata

Profile: Christine Renata

Central Hawke's Bay District Council Social Development Lead Christine Renata has been leading the COVID-19 Civil Defence welfare response for Central Hawke’s Bay. She was instrumental in getting Central Hawke’s Bay people the support they needed during the lockdown, and will continue to provide welfare support as our communities slowly start to get back to the ‘new normal’.

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Meet our Group Welfare Manager, Alison Prins

Meet our Group Welfare Manager, Alison Prins

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Welfare Manager Alison Prins has led the regional COVID-19 welfare response and was instrumental in developing an approach that has since been adopted nationally. Since the start of the response, the group has linked up with more than 150 community organisations and agencies to create a “network of networks” working collaboratively with the group to look after the welfare needs of the Hawke’s Bay community.

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Activity packs bring lockdown relief

Activity packs bring lockdown relief

Helping clients through the national COVID-19 lockdown was always going to be a challenge for people working in the disability services sector. But by working in partnership, Hawke’s Bay disability service organisations managed to keep things ticking, delivering more than 50 resource and activity packs each week to people unable to attend vocational day programmes.

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Profile: Kirstin Thompson

Profile: Kirstin Thompson

Kirstin Thompson has plenty of experience working with older people and people with disability – she’s a project manager for Enliven, a division of Presbyterian Support East Coast. Kirstin’s background meant she was the perfect fit to lead the older persons network as part of the Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group's ‘network of networks’ – community organisations and agencies working collaboratively with the group, to look after the welfare needs of the Hawke’s Bay community. 

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Profile: Barbara Mear

Profile: Barbara Mear

Hawke's Bay Regional Council Finance Team Leader Barbara Mear normally spends her days managing the council budgets and financial reporting, but for five weeks she worked in the Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group logistics team as part of the regional response to COVID-19.

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A joint message from Hawke’s Bay’s mayors and regional chairs

A joint message from Hawke’s Bay’s mayors and regional chairs

It’s been around six weeks since New Zealand entered a lockdown that placed the most significant restrictions on our movements in modern history, to protect our country from the potential devastating impacts of COVID-19.

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Jessica Wilson

Jessica Wilson

Napier City Council Community Advisor Jessica Wilson has been redeployed to support the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s COVID-19 welfare team.

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Stepping up to help emergency response

Stepping up to help emergency response

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group has delivered more than 1000 food parcels and close to 50 winter clothing and blanket packages to people in hardship because of the COVID-19 lockdown, with the help of around 40 redeployed council workersand 16 staff from The Development Hub.

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Helping Hawke’s Bay’s older community

Helping Hawke’s Bay’s older community

Around 45 local organisations have banded together to help older people in Hawke’s Bay get through the national COVID-19 lockdown – and it’s a relationship that looks set to continue well beyond the regional welfare response to the pandemic.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group still here to help at Alert Level 3

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group still here to help at Alert Level 3

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is reminding people help is still available to those struggling to get food, groceries, medication or other household goods and services as a result of being at COVID-19 Alert Level 3.

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Communities help each other in face of COVID-19

Communities help each other in face of COVID-19

Nā tou rourou nā tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi: with your food basket and my food basket, the people shall live on! This traditional whakataukī (Māori proverb) has come to life for Hawke’s Bay’s migrant communities, thanks to a partnership between local iwi Ngāti Kahungunu and the Migrant Welfare Group.

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Speed dating for housing proves a success

Speed dating for housing proves a success

Homeless Action teams completed almost six months of work in a week, as part of their response to the COVID-19 lockdown

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Hawke's Bay remains strong under lockdown

Hawke's Bay remains strong under lockdown

Hawke's Bay stands strong with the rest of New Zealand, in lockdown under Alert Level 4 for COVID-19.

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Welfare networking helps to close the gaps

Welfare networking helps to close the gaps

An initiative beginning this week will allow older people, required to stay at home but without internet banking, to pay for their groceries, taking some of the pressure off the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management’s (HBCDEM) welfare response.

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Community rallying in response to COVID-19

Community rallying in response to COVID-19

From Wairoa to Central Hawke’s Bay, community agencies and organisations across the region are supporting those most in need as the national COVID-19 lockdown continues.

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Thoughts on Easter

Thoughts on Easter

We asked our local council leaders what their top tips for this Easter were.

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Praise for resilient Hawke's Bay community

Praise for resilient Hawke's Bay community

The region’s leaders are praising the resilience of Hawke’s Bay’s communities during the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Don’t be an egg this Easter – stay home and save lives

Don’t be an egg this Easter – stay home and save lives

Hawke’s Bay mayors have a strong message for anyone thinking of heading away this Easter – don't.

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Councils working together during COVID-19

Councils working together during COVID-19

Our five councils in Hawke’s Bay are working together to bring you all the information on the availability of the councils’ services during this difficult time. Find out more.

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Hawke’s Bay phone line set up for those most in need

Hawke’s Bay phone line set up for those most in need

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s new regional telephone number 0800 HBAYCD (0800 422 923) is now live for people to call if they need urgent support in Hawke’s Bay.

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A joint message from Hawke’s Bay’s mayors and regional chairs

A joint message from Hawke’s Bay’s mayors and regional chairs

As we enter our second week of national lockdown, we’d like to thank you, Hawke’s Bay. Make no mistake – we know it’s not easy.

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Support lockdown to save lives

Support lockdown to save lives

Feeling uncertain and not knowing exactly what to do is completely normal during lockdown, says Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Controller Ian Macdonald on day three of the national state of emergency across New Zealand.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group uses extraordinary powers

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group uses extraordinary powers

The Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group now has extraordinary powers to coordinate the delivery of a swift and effective response across the region following the New Zealand Government’s declaration of a national state of emergency.

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Local HB leaders respond to State of Emergency declaration

Local HB leaders respond to State of Emergency declaration

Hawke’s Bay leaders have responded supportively to today’s national state of emergency declaration by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

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Hawke’s Bay’s regional leaders unite against COVID-19

Hawke’s Bay’s regional leaders unite against COVID-19

Tihei mauri ora. You’ll no doubt be aware the New Zealand Government has taken unprecedented steps to protect our country from the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ll also be aware we’ve had our first confirmed case here in Hawke’s Bay. We, as the region’s mayors, and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Hawke’s Bay District Health Board chairs, are doing everything we can to unite against COVID-19.

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Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group planning for COVID-19

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group planning for COVID-19

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is ready to support the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board in case COVID-19 reaches our region.

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Hawke’s Bay Rural Advisory Group keeping an eye on the dry

Hawke’s Bay Rural Advisory Group keeping an eye on the dry

The Hawke’s Bay Rural Advisory Group is keeping a watchful eye on the region’s current dry conditions and reminding farming communities what to do if they need help.

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Hawke’s Bay residents urged to practise ‘tsunami hīkoi’ emergency evacuation walks

Hawke’s Bay residents urged to practise ‘tsunami hīkoi’ emergency evacuation walks

Hawke’s Bay residents are being urged to use the ninth anniversary of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami to practise their evacuation routes, so they can act quickly if a similar disaster strikes our shores.

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Fire near Tikokino closes State Highway 50

Fire near Tikokino closes State Highway 50

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has closed State Highway 50 just north of Tikokino as they fight a 20-hectare fire burning in the area.

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Update on fire near Tikokino

Update on fire near Tikokino

Fire and Emergency New Zealand continues to work on containing a fire just north of Tikokino.

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Tikokino fire update three, 1.50pm

Tikokino fire update three, 1.50pm

Fire and Emergency New Zealand is continuing to fight the fire at Tikokino in Hawke's Bay, with 30 firefighters on the ground plus five helicopter crews working on containing the fire’s perimeter.

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Afternoon tea for 1931 earthquake survivors

Afternoon tea for 1931 earthquake survivors

The annual afternoon tea for survivors of the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake will be held on Sunday, 2 February, marking the 89th anniversary of one of New Zealand’s most devastating natural disasters.

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Earthquake survivors mark 89th anniversary

Earthquake survivors mark 89th anniversary

Survivors of the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake today shared their experiences and stories over a cup of tea and scones at a commemoration hosted at Napier Boys’ High School.

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Tangoio fire update 1

Tangoio fire update 1

Fire and Emergency New Zealand continues to work on containing a fire Tangoio Settlement Road. Crews have been working on the fire since about midday yesterday.

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Tangoio fire update 2

Tangoio fire update 2

Fire and Emergency is making good progress on the Tangoio fire, with a decision on reducing the number of helicopters likely to made this afternoon.

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Tangoio fire update 3

Tangoio fire update 3

Fire crews will take a well-earned rest from the Tangoio fire site from about 6pm, with a fresh crew monitoring the situation overnight.

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Nationwide Emergency Mobile Alert test this Sunday

Nationwide Emergency Mobile Alert test this Sunday

This Sunday, 24 November, more than half of New Zealand’s cell phones are expected to let off a loud, penetrating noise, marking the third annual nationwide Emergency Mobile Alert system test.

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Earthquake exercise continues this weekend

Earthquake exercise continues this weekend

Volunteers from across Hawke’s Bay will be testing how they’d respond to a large-scale earthquake this weekend as part of Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s Exercise Rūaumoko.

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Regional emergency exercise starts this week

Regional emergency exercise starts this week

How would Hawke’s Bay fare in an emergency? Organisations across the region are getting ready to take part in Exercise Rūaumoko, which will test Hawke’s Bay’s arrangements for preparing for, responding to and recovering from a major emergency.

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Hawke’s Bay people urged to sign up for ShakeOut

Hawke’s Bay people urged to sign up for ShakeOut

With a week to go until New Zealand’s national ShakeOut earthquake drill, everyone in Hawke’s Bay is being urged to sign up now.

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New Emergency Co-ordination Centre opens in Hastings

New Emergency Co-ordination Centre opens in Hastings

After about a year in construction, the region’s new purpose-built Emergency Co-ordination Centre located beside the Hastings District Council civic building on Lyndon Rd East was officially opened today.

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Centralised hazard map portal for Hawke’s Bay

Centralised hazard map portal for Hawke’s Bay

It’s now even easier to find out more about the natural hazards where you live and work, with the latest version of the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group hazard map portal.

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Tsunami evacuation drill surprises Marewa trio

Tsunami evacuation drill surprises Marewa trio

“You either get up that hill or you don’t, and that’s up to you.” Napier resident Pip Mackay was one of a trio of flatmates who took on the challenge of a surprise tsunami evacuation drill last night, live on national television.

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Get emergency ready for Neighbours Day Aotearoa

Get emergency ready for Neighbours Day Aotearoa

Get to know your neighbours for this year’s Neighbours Day Aotearoa and make yourself more resilient to emergencies. Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group manager Ian Macdonald said getting to know your neighbours was one of the best ways to prepare for emergencies, and Neighbours Day Aotearoa was the perfect chance to break the ice.

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Civil Defence demonstration this weekend

Civil Defence demonstration this weekend

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a Civil Defence volunteer? See the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group volunteers in action this weekend at a training exercise and demonstration.

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Ministry funding to boost Hawke’s Bay’s resilience

Ministry funding to boost Hawke’s Bay’s resilience

Hawke’s Bay’s resilience and planning for natural hazards was given a boost today thanks to $420,000 in Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management funding. Minister for Civil Defence Kris Faafoi announced three Resilience Fund grants for Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group and East Coast Life at the Boundary (LAB), to support projects designed to keep people and communities safer.

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Earthquake anniversary reminder to be prepared

Earthquake anniversary reminder to be prepared

“We can’t predict when disaster will strike, but we can be prepared.” That’s the message from Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller Ian Macdonald, as Hawke’s Bay communities commemorate the devastating events of 1931.

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Earthquake survivors mark 88th anniversary

Earthquake survivors mark 88th anniversary

Survivors of the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake today shared memories over a cup of tea and scones at a community event hosted at Napier Boys’ High School.

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Preparing for emergencies always a class act

Preparing for emergencies always a class act

With thousands of students marching back to school in the next few weeks, Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is reminding parents to make sure their families know what to do in an emergency.

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Afternoon tea for 1931 earthquake survivors

Afternoon tea for 1931 earthquake survivors

The annual afternoon tea for survivors of the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake will be held on Sunday, 3 February, marking the 88th anniversary of one of New Zealand’s most devastating natural disasters.

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More kiwis getting emergency message

More kiwis getting emergency message

Almost twice as many people received the test Civil Defence emergency alert to their mobile phone at its last test – meaning more New Zealanders than ever are capable of getting a heads-up in an emergency.

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Nationwide test alert this Sunday

Nationwide test alert this Sunday

The Emergency Mobile Alert system is undergoing a nationwide live test on Sunday between 6pm and 7pm.

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Looking after yourself and your home following the earthquake - 30/10/2018

Looking after yourself and your home following the earthquake - 30/10/2018

Our thoughts are with all New Zealanders following the 6.2 magnitude earthquake today. Our first priority is your safety and the safety of your family.

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Hawke’s Bay people urged to sign up for ShakeOut

Hawke’s Bay people urged to sign up for ShakeOut

With a week to go until New Zealand’s national ShakeOut earthquake drill, every business and family in Hawke’s Bay is being urged to sign up now.

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Welcome to Hawke's Bay Civil Defence and Emergency Management

Welcome to Hawke's Bay Civil Defence and Emergency Management

Welcome to the re-launch of our website. We have been making a few changes to our small part of the interweb.

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South East Asian delegates visit bay

South East Asian delegates visit bay

For the second year in a row we partnered with EIT and presented to Civil Defence representatives from South East Asia.

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HBCDEM Group supporting Wairoa and Hastings Districts' responses

HBCDEM Group supporting Wairoa and Hastings Districts' responses

Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management (HBCDEM) is keeping an eye on Wairoa as it manages the fallout from this week’s watery deluge.

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Emergency Management to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Emergency Management shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Emergency Management cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

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